Package mapnik

Class Summary
Box2d Mirros the mapnik::box2d<double> class.
Color A mapnik color.
Datasource Wraps a mapnik::datasource object.
DatasourceCache Manage the registry of datasources.
FeatureSet Wraps a mapnik::featureset_ptr and the current mapnik::feature into a java.sql.ResultSet type interface.
FeatureTypeStyle Wraps the mapnik::feature_type_style value type.
Geometry A mapnik::geometry_type instance.
Image Java access to a mapnik image_32 class
Layer Wraps the mapnik::Layer value type.
LayerDescriptor Read-only access to a mapnik::layer_descriptor on a Datasource.
MapDefinition Wrapper around the mapnik::Map object.
Mapnik Global management of the Mapnik installation
NativeObject Base class for native objects
Parameters Shadows a mapnik::parameters object
Renderer Methods that interface with the rendering subsystem.