addDescriptor(AttributeDescriptor) - Method in class mapnik.LayerDescriptor
addLayer(Layer) - Method in class mapnik.MapDefinition
addPropertyName(String) - Method in class mapnik.Query
addStyle(String, FeatureTypeStyle) - Method in class mapnik.MapDefinition
AttributeDescriptor - Class in mapnik
AttributeDescriptor() - Constructor for class mapnik.AttributeDescriptor


bind() - Method in class mapnik.Datasource
Box2d - Class in mapnik
Mirros the mapnik::box2d<double> class.
Box2d() - Constructor for class mapnik.Box2d
Box2d(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class mapnik.Box2d
Box2d(Box2d) - Constructor for class mapnik.Box2d


collectAttributes() - Method in class mapnik.FeatureTypeStyle
Collect all attribute names referenced in rules
Color - Class in mapnik
A mapnik color.
Color(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class mapnik.Color
Color() - Constructor for class mapnik.Color
Color(int, int, int) - Constructor for class mapnik.Color
Coord - Class in mapnik
Coord() - Constructor for class mapnik.Coord
Coord(double, double) - Constructor for class mapnik.Coord
create(Parameters, boolean) - Static method in class mapnik.DatasourceCache
create(Parameters) - Static method in class mapnik.DatasourceCache


Datasource - Class in mapnik
Wraps a mapnik::datasource object.
DatasourceCache - Class in mapnik
Manage the registry of datasources.
DatasourceCache() - Constructor for class mapnik.DatasourceCache
dispose() - Method in class mapnik.NativeObject
Manually disposes of the native resources associated with this object (versus waiting for finalization).


equals(Object) - Method in class mapnik.Projection


features(Query) - Method in class mapnik.Datasource
featuresAtPoint(Coord) - Method in class mapnik.Datasource
FeatureSet - Class in mapnik
Wraps a mapnik::featureset_ptr and the current mapnik::feature into a java.sql.ResultSet type interface.
FeatureSet() - Constructor for class mapnik.FeatureSet
FeatureTypeStyle - Class in mapnik
Wraps the mapnik::feature_type_style value type.
FeatureTypeStyle() - Constructor for class mapnik.FeatureTypeStyle
forward(Coord) - Method in class mapnik.Projection
forward(Box2d) - Method in class mapnik.Projection
FreetypeEngine - Class in mapnik
FreetypeEngine() - Constructor for class mapnik.FreetypeEngine


Geometry - Class in mapnik
A mapnik::geometry_type instance.
getAbstract() - Method in class mapnik.Layer
getAlpha() - Method in class mapnik.Color
getBackground() - Method in class mapnik.MapDefinition
getBackgroundImage() - Method in class mapnik.MapDefinition
getBasePath() - Method in class mapnik.MapDefinition
getBlue() - Method in class mapnik.Color
getBufferedExtent() - Method in class mapnik.MapDefinition
getBufferSize() - Method in class mapnik.MapDefinition
getCurrentExtent() - Method in class mapnik.MapDefinition
getDatasource() - Method in class mapnik.Layer
getDescriptor() - Method in class mapnik.Datasource
getDescriptors() - Method in class mapnik.LayerDescriptor
getEncoding() - Method in class mapnik.LayerDescriptor
getEnvelope() - Method in class mapnik.Datasource
getEnvelope() - Method in class mapnik.FeatureSet
getEnvelope() - Method in class mapnik.Geometry
getExpanded() - Method in class mapnik.Projection
getGeometry(int) - Method in class mapnik.FeatureSet
Get the geometry at index
getGeometryCount() - Method in class mapnik.FeatureSet
The number of geometries
getGreen() - Method in class mapnik.Color
getHeight() - Method in class mapnik.Image
getHeight() - Method in class mapnik.MapDefinition
getId() - Method in class mapnik.FeatureSet
The id of the current feature
getInstalledFontsDir() - Static method in class mapnik.Mapnik
getInstalledInputPluginsDir() - Static method in class mapnik.Mapnik
getLayer(int) - Method in class mapnik.MapDefinition
getLayerCount() - Method in class mapnik.MapDefinition
getLibrarySearchNames() - Static method in class mapnik.Mapnik
getLibrarySearchPath() - Static method in class mapnik.Mapnik
The library search path.
getLoadedLibrary() - Static method in class mapnik.Mapnik
If initialized, this is the full path of the loaded library
getMaximumExtent() - Method in class mapnik.MapDefinition
getMaxZoom() - Method in class mapnik.Layer
getMinZoom() - Method in class mapnik.Layer
getName() - Method in class mapnik.AttributeDescriptor
getName() - Method in class mapnik.Layer
getName() - Method in class mapnik.LayerDescriptor
getNativeAllocations() - Static method in class mapnik.Mapnik
Return a Map of Object type to allocation count of current active native allocations.
getNumPoints() - Method in class mapnik.Geometry
getParameters() - Method in class mapnik.Datasource
getParams() - Method in class mapnik.Projection
getPrecision() - Method in class mapnik.AttributeDescriptor
getProperty(String) - Method in class mapnik.FeatureSet
Get a property by name
getPropertyNames() - Method in class mapnik.FeatureSet
Names of all properties
getRed() - Method in class mapnik.Color
getScale() - Method in class mapnik.MapDefinition
getScaleDenominator() - Method in class mapnik.MapDefinition
getSize() - Method in class mapnik.AttributeDescriptor
getSrs() - Method in class mapnik.Layer
getSrs() - Method in class mapnik.MapDefinition
getStyle(String) - Method in class mapnik.MapDefinition
getStyleNames() - Method in class mapnik.MapDefinition
getStyles() - Method in class mapnik.Layer
getTitle() - Method in class mapnik.Layer
getType() - Method in class mapnik.AttributeDescriptor
getType() - Method in class mapnik.Datasource
getType() - Method in class mapnik.Geometry
getVertex(int, Coord) - Method in class mapnik.Geometry
getWidth() - Method in class mapnik.Image
getWidth() - Method in class mapnik.MapDefinition


Image - Class in mapnik
Java access to a mapnik image_32 class
Image(int, int) - Constructor for class mapnik.Image
Image(Image) - Constructor for class mapnik.Image
initialize(boolean) - Static method in class mapnik.Mapnik
Initialize the mapnik library.
initialize() - Static method in class mapnik.Mapnik
Equivilent to initialize(true).
inverse(Coord) - Method in class mapnik.Projection
inverse(Box2d) - Method in class mapnik.Projection
isActive() - Method in class mapnik.Layer
isCacheFeatures() - Method in class mapnik.Layer
isClearLabelCache() - Method in class mapnik.Layer
isDisposed() - Method in class mapnik.NativeObject
isFontFile(String) - Static method in class mapnik.FreetypeEngine
isPrimaryKey() - Method in class mapnik.AttributeDescriptor
isQueryable() - Method in class mapnik.Layer
isVisible(double) - Method in class mapnik.Layer


LATLNG_PARAMS - Static variable in class mapnik.Projection
Layer - Class in mapnik
Wraps the mapnik::Layer value type.
Layer(String, String) - Constructor for class mapnik.Layer
Layer(String) - Constructor for class mapnik.Layer
LayerDescriptor - Class in mapnik
Read-only access to a mapnik::layer_descriptor on a Datasource.
LayerDescriptor() - Constructor for class mapnik.LayerDescriptor
loadMap(String, boolean) - Method in class mapnik.MapDefinition
loadMapString(String, boolean, String) - Method in class mapnik.MapDefinition


MapDefinition - Class in mapnik
Wrapper around the mapnik::Map object.
MapDefinition() - Constructor for class mapnik.MapDefinition
MapDefinition(int, int, String) - Constructor for class mapnik.MapDefinition
MapDefinition(MapDefinition) - Constructor for class mapnik.MapDefinition
mapnik - package mapnik
Mapnik - Class in mapnik
Global management of the Mapnik installation
Mapnik() - Constructor for class mapnik.Mapnik
maxx - Variable in class mapnik.Box2d
maxy - Variable in class mapnik.Box2d
minx - Variable in class mapnik.Box2d
miny - Variable in class mapnik.Box2d


NativeObject - Class in mapnik
Base class for native objects
next() - Method in class mapnik.FeatureSet
Moves to the next feature in the set.


pan(int, int) - Method in class mapnik.MapDefinition
panAndZoom(int, int, double) - Method in class mapnik.MapDefinition
Parameters - Class in mapnik
Shadows a mapnik::parameters object
Parameters() - Constructor for class mapnik.Parameters
pluginDirectories() - Static method in class mapnik.DatasourceCache
pluginNames() - Static method in class mapnik.DatasourceCache
Projection - Class in mapnik
Projection(String) - Constructor for class mapnik.Projection
Projection() - Constructor for class mapnik.Projection


Query - Class in mapnik
Query(Box2d, double, double, double) - Constructor for class mapnik.Query
Query(Box2d) - Constructor for class mapnik.Query


registerDatasources(String) - Static method in class mapnik.DatasourceCache
registerFont(String) - Static method in class mapnik.FreetypeEngine
registerFonts(String, boolean) - Static method in class mapnik.FreetypeEngine
registerFonts(String) - Static method in class mapnik.FreetypeEngine
removeAllLayers() - Method in class mapnik.MapDefinition
removeLayer(int) - Method in class mapnik.MapDefinition
removeStyle(String) - Method in class mapnik.MapDefinition
renderAgg(MapDefinition, Image, double, int, int) - Static method in class mapnik.Renderer
Render the given map to the given image
renderAgg(MapDefinition, Image) - Static method in class mapnik.Renderer
Render the given map to the given image with scaleFactor=1.0, offsetX=0, and offsetY=0
Renderer - Class in mapnik
Methods that interface with the rendering subsystem.
Renderer() - Constructor for class mapnik.Renderer
reportNativeAllocations() - Static method in class mapnik.Mapnik
Generate a brief textual report of outstanding native allocations
resize(int, int) - Method in class mapnik.MapDefinition


saveMap(String, boolean) - Method in class mapnik.MapDefinition
saveMap(String) - Method in class mapnik.MapDefinition
saveMapToString(boolean) - Method in class mapnik.MapDefinition
saveMapToString() - Method in class mapnik.MapDefinition
saveToFile(String, String) - Method in class mapnik.Image
saveToMemory(String) - Method in class mapnik.Image
setAbstract(String) - Method in class mapnik.Layer
setActive(boolean) - Method in class mapnik.Layer
setAlpha(int) - Method in class mapnik.Color
setBackground(Color) - Method in class mapnik.MapDefinition
setBackgroundImage(String) - Method in class mapnik.MapDefinition
setBasePath(String) - Method in class mapnik.MapDefinition
setBlue(int) - Method in class mapnik.Color
setBufferSize(int) - Method in class mapnik.MapDefinition
setCacheFeatures(boolean) - Method in class mapnik.Layer
setClearLabelCache(boolean) - Method in class mapnik.Layer
setDatasource(Datasource) - Method in class mapnik.Layer
setEncoding(String) - Method in class mapnik.LayerDescriptor
setGreen(int) - Method in class mapnik.Color
setHeight(int) - Method in class mapnik.MapDefinition
setLayer(int, Layer) - Method in class mapnik.MapDefinition
setMaximumExtent(Box2d) - Method in class mapnik.MapDefinition
setMaxZoom(double) - Method in class mapnik.Layer
setMinZoom(double) - Method in class mapnik.Layer
setName(String) - Method in class mapnik.Layer
setName(String) - Method in class mapnik.LayerDescriptor
setQueryable(boolean) - Method in class mapnik.Layer
setRed(int) - Method in class mapnik.Color
setSrs(String) - Method in class mapnik.Layer
setSrs(String) - Method in class mapnik.MapDefinition
setStyles(String[]) - Method in class mapnik.Layer
setTitle(String) - Method in class mapnik.Layer
setWidth(int) - Method in class mapnik.MapDefinition
SRS900913_PARAMS - Static variable in class mapnik.Projection
Spherical web mercator


toString() - Method in class mapnik.AttributeDescriptor
toString() - Method in class mapnik.Box2d
toString() - Method in class mapnik.Geometry
toString() - Method in class mapnik.LayerDescriptor
TYPE_DOUBLE - Static variable in class mapnik.AttributeDescriptor
TYPE_FLOAT - Static variable in class mapnik.AttributeDescriptor
TYPE_GEOMETRY - Static variable in class mapnik.AttributeDescriptor
TYPE_INTEGER - Static variable in class mapnik.AttributeDescriptor
TYPE_LINESTRING - Static variable in class mapnik.Geometry
TYPE_MULTILINESTRING - Static variable in class mapnik.Geometry
TYPE_MULTIPOINT - Static variable in class mapnik.Geometry
TYPE_MULTIPOLYGON - Static variable in class mapnik.Geometry
TYPE_OBJECT - Static variable in class mapnik.AttributeDescriptor
TYPE_POINT - Static variable in class mapnik.Geometry
TYPE_POLYGON - Static variable in class mapnik.Geometry
TYPE_STRING - Static variable in class mapnik.AttributeDescriptor


x - Variable in class mapnik.Coord


y - Variable in class mapnik.Coord


zoom(double) - Method in class mapnik.MapDefinition
zoomAll() - Method in class mapnik.MapDefinition
zoomToBox(Box2d) - Method in class mapnik.MapDefinition